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Duo Oncology Announces Close of Initial Seed Investment
Duo Oncology is pleased to announce a $1M+ seed investment led by UPMC oncologists Dr. Stanley Marks and Dr. Jing-Zhou Hou.

Duo Oncology Joins LifeX Incubator
LifeX Labs welcomes new portfolio company, Duo Onoclogy, into incubator program.

Duo Oncology Appoints Dr. Stanley Marks to Board of Directors
Duo Oncology is pleased to welcome Dr. Stanley Marks to its board of directors. Dr. Marks is a world renown oncology and chairman of the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center.

Duo Oncology Options Nanoparticle Platform from University of Pittsburgh
Duo Oncology signed an option to exclusively license nanoparticle prodrug chemistry patented developed in the laboratory of Dr. Song Li and patented by the University of Pittsburgh